------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name: Overview_and_Intro.txt Revision: v0.2 Description: Gives an overview and introduces in detail the Cadence IBIS AMI Evaluation Toolkit. Author: Ambrish Varma (c) Cadence Design Systems, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Quick Start 3. Files Description 4. Model Run Options 5. View Results and Data 6. Help and Contacts INTRODUCTION ------------ This toolkit was created to aid the model developer (IP Vendor) to quickly build, compile and test Algorithmic Modeling Interface (AMI) models. These models are in the form of a Shared Object (SO) library that can be plugged in an EDA tool. These compiled models encapsulated signal processing functions that are used to encode (TX) and decode (RX) analog signals so that they can travel long distance on the PCB or backplane (channel). Please note that all instructions are valid for LINUX (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-53) only. The C programs are compiled using gcc version 3.2.3 20030502. Users of this toolkit are expected to have gone through the introductory material for Algorithmic modeling that is available on IBIS website. A good starting point is the introduction to the algorithmic modeling presented by IBIS ATM subcommittee to IBIS Open Forum on August 24th. The pdf for that presentation can be found at - http://www.eda.org/ibis/docs/AMI_BIRD_Intro_082407_v7.pdf Links to additional material on Algorithmic modeling is listed in the Help and Contacts section below. QUICK START ------------ To run the model present in the /MODELS dir using Cadence Tester Program: %CDNS_AMI_TESTER where: is the name of the AMI model. -For Linux, providing the *FULL* path might be required for proper functioning. -The control file, ibisamictrl.txt needs to be present in the directory containing the model. The contents of the ibisamictrl.txt file is described in the next section. -The model also requires a seperate file containing the parameters for the model. This file needs to be with an extension .ami and should have the same name as the model (AMI_Model.ami). The parameter file (.ami) is also discussed in the next section. FILES DESCRIPTION ------------------ a) Shared Object (SO) Compiled Executable Model (AMI_Model.dll) This is the model itself. To Compile the SO executable model: a) gcc -c IBIS_AMI_RX.c b) gcc -shared -o IBIS_AMI_RX.dll IBIS_AMI_RX.o b) Model Parameter File (AMI_Model.ami) This is the model parameter file. it contains the values of the parameters that the model accepts. For the example provided below, the model accepts 2 parameters, fwd and bwd. The AMI_Model.ami is in tree format as shown here: (amictfparams (fwd -0.169324 1.40308 0.330246 ) (bwd -0.738358 -0.293473 -0.0691206 -0.0703122 -0.0586222 ) ) c) Control File (ibisamictrl.txt) This is the file that contains all the control parameters that the EDA tool uses. It is assumed that the ibisamictrl.txt file is present in the same directory as the model. The ibisamictrl.txt file looks like this: (ibisamictrl (data_rate 6.25e9) (stimulus_bits_cnt 5000) ; no of bits to be simulated (imp_file ibisimp_10g_32.txt) ; outputfiles (stim_file stimin.txt) (wave_out_file waveout.txt) (wave_in_file wavein.txt) ;(bits_file bits_file.txt) ;OPTIONAL ;(dll_name /home/../IBIS_AMI_RX.dll) ;OPTIONAL ;(dll_parameter_file_name /home/../IBIS_AMI_RX.ami) ;OPTIONAL ; output control (waveform_start_time 120e-9) ; output the waveform after 120ns ) Where data_rate: The data rate at which the AMI model is to be simulated. Data Rate is mentioned in exponential form (for ex, 6 Gbps = 6e9) Default: 6.25e9 stimulus_bits_cnt: Number of bits in this simulation run. If the stimulus_bits_cnt is less than 1000, the TESTER runs a 1000 bits simulation. Default: 5000 imp_file: The impulse response file. This file should have 2 columns, the first should be time, the second should be voltage. Default: ibisimp_10g_32.txt bits_file: Bits file provided by the user. If no bits file is provided, the tester will generate a random bitstream. stim_file: Wavefile going in. The waveform is a generated by the TESTER program using either the bits_file provided by the user, or if not, random bits generated by the TESTER. wave_in_file: Wavefile going in the Getwave call of the AMI model. Default: wavein.txt wave_out_file: Wavefile coming out of the Getwave call of the AMI model. Default: waveout.txt waveform_start_time: Initial time that the tester ignores in the waveform. Default: 120e-9 dll_name Name of the Shared Object Library (dll). If using Linux, complete path may be required. putting dll_name in the ibisamictrl.txt file is optional. dll_name can also be supplied as an argument to the TESTER. dll_parameter_file_name Name of the Parameter file that contains the values of the parameters for the Shared Object (dll). This is required if the dll_name is used in the ibisamictrl.txt. If the dll_name is supplied as an argument to the TESTER, the parameter file name is not required in the ibisamictrl.txt file. MODEL RUN OPTIONS ------------------ The user can run the AMI model with the provided TESTER in the following ways: a) %CDNS_AMI_TESTER The ibisamictrl.txt file should be in the same directory as the model. If there is an AMI_Model.ami file, the parameters are read from it, otherwise, the default parameters from the model are used. b) %CDNS_AMI_TESTER The dll and the parameter file names can be hardcoded in the ibisamictrl.txt file itself. The user does not have to type the dll name as an argument to the TESTER. VIEW RESULTS AND DATA ---------------------- After a successful run of the TESTER, the following files will be generated. stimin.txt and stimin.sim impin.txt and impin.sim impout.txt and impout.sim wavein.txt and wavein.sim waveout.txt and waveout.sim and clk.txt and clk.sim The output waveform data from the TESTER are both in .txt and .sim format. The .sim files can be viewed in Cadence Sigwave program. To open .sim file with Cadence SigWave, use File - Open for first one, then to overlay use File - Import, point to the sigWave file. The .txt files can be formatted to be viewed in any spreadsheet program. HELP AND CONTACTS ----------------- This toolkit is provided 'AS IS' (Please read the Cadence Toolkit License.txt for full license information) . However, any difficulty in running the toolkit or supporting files, bugs or issues should be reported to Cadence so that newer versions are error and bug free. The email address to report is ambrishv@cadence.com . We have also established the ibis-ami-toolkit@freelists.org group for discussions about this and other toolkits. The ibis-ami-toolkit mailer can be joined by sending an email with "subscribe" in the subject line to ibis-ami-toolkit-subscribe@freelists.org . You can also join the discussion group through the following URL: http://www.freelists.org/list/ibis-ami-toolkit. For more background information on Algorithmic Modeling, you can look at the work archive for the IBIS ATM subcommittee at http://www.vhdl.org/pub/ibis/macromodel_wip/ -------------------- Ambrish Varma ambrishv@cadence.com